
Guess What?! We’ve Got NEWS!

Scripture Template

After many months, and a lot of patience, I’m super excited to announce…

…we’ve moved (and we’ve rebranded)!!!

As much as I loved this little platform, it was time to grow. I plan to not only write, but to mix it up, sharing with you podcasts here and there as well (but give me a minute to buy the gear and finish some test runs).

Anyways, I present to you EARLY ACCESS to our new site: kindleafire.com.

Feel free to dance around, check things out, share it with friends, play with the forms, send in your feedback… you know, all that good stuff… while I take the week to iron out some kinks and get it “public ready” for them public eyes (hehe).

I’m so stoked to have you with me along this journey, helping me shape these blogs so that they glorify God the way He wants them to glorify Him. Remember, YOU are a huge part of what we’re doing here–don’t forget that.

So, get ready… we’re about to embark on a journey, growing closer to God, as we dive deeper into today’s happenings, life, and God’s Word.

Love you all and so thankful for you!

Let’s do this. Let’s #kindleafire

In Him,


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